Friday, June 26, 2009

A Very Sweet Barter Deal

There is a new rug hooking vendor at the Hamilton Market. You can luck at her rugs on I adore primitive rug hooking and have been lusting after her rugs. Pamme Swan, daughter of the hooker, and I have been talking now and then. She's been wanting a Bundaflicka Bag but said now is not the time. I thought, why not approach her about a barter? I'm always shy about bartering. What if they don't want what I have to offer? I sent her an email asking if her mom would consider a barter for the gorgeous Country Girl rug I've been admiring. "Bundaflicka" means country girl in Swedish - how perfect. She contacted mom, who is on a rug hooking tour of New England, and it looks like our barter is on! When mom gets back they will go shopping in my booth and I will get my rug! I'm SOO thrilled, as I could never pay money for something I think I could make myself...but it would take me YEARS to make a rug like this.


  1. AWESOME!! who would NOT want to trade for some of you amazing wares :)
    And that rug is soo perfect for you!

  2. Congrads. I love barter. And yes you things are definatelly worth it.


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