Thursday, June 18, 2009

Henya's Contest

My friend, Henya, is having a contest to celebrate her 100 blog post. You can read all about it at Clever, huh? I confess I didn't get it at first - HENya? Chicken? Henya always has interesting and entertaining posts, along with a bit of "true life" which I so enjoy. She is asking for nominees for the person who we think is deserving of a gift of Henya's lovely stitch markers. The person we nominate has to be someone who demonstrates kindness to others and promotes the fiber arts. I have nominated - TAH DAH - Kimmie Cornerstone! She is really Kim Parkinson of You can read all about her. Kim is a super-baseball-mom who raises two terrific kids and babysits a niece all day so her brother and sister-in-law can go to work. Kim runs a fiber arts business out of her upstairs bedroom in Kingston, Ontario. Kim always has time to go to a school or meeting to demonstrate and teach spinning and all about natural fibers. She's energetic, kind, and very generous with her time. Kim has a real nice husband, Darryl, who is very supportive of her fiber doings. Kim would give you the shirt off her back. Once she calls you her friend, you have a friend for life. I'm so lucky to have found her. She found me, actually, through my bunnies. Long story! Thanks, Henya, for the contest. I'm not a competitive person and don't often enter contests - but for YOU and for KIM, why not?


  1. Thank you Maggie, I am touched. And that is exactly what my name means in Yiddish - a little hen.
    I too think that Kim is wonderful.

  2. Okay now I'm crying. I feel so blessed to have friends like you guys!!!
    off to blow her nose

  3. great nomination ;)
    lovely idea of henya's :)
    I second that nomination


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