Friday, June 05, 2009

Could it be True?

Is it really Friday? Am I dreaming??? I am pooped. Could it have something to do with the kids today, who I don't dare write about for fear of getting canned? I was too late this morning to stop and buy milk, and forgot to carry it down from the cafeteria after lunch duty, so I am GASPING for coffee. Yes, it's cooking now. One nice thing was "Goodie Day" for teachers and when I arrived for early morning cafeteria duty (yes, lucky me, I'm there for two duties a day!) there was a mother lode of cakes, pies, cookies, muffins, brownies, etc...almost all gooey and delicious. The kids had to walk past the teacher's goodies and couldn't have any. Weeeelllll, I piled several plates high with goodies and took them to the kids I eat breakfast with every day. They ate so much sugary goodness, cramming it into their hungry mouths, I bet they fell asleep on their desks at 10 am. Just my luck, at lunch I was sitting alone waiting for my bros to come to lunch and my boss sat down with me. The bros came along and they told my boss what a wonderful teacher I am. She had no idea they were talking about the cakes and goodies I gave them that morning and I didn't let on. See, sneaking goodies to the kiddos did pay off!

1 comment:

  1. LOL who says bribery will get you no where ;)
    HUGS to all -have a great time at the Farmer's Market tomorrow.


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