Sunday, May 10, 2009


Mia is here with me for Mother's Day. What heaven. We stayed up late, sitting with Bodie. I was so glad Nurse Mia was here to check his pupils and help him through an awful seizure. He went into the "post ictal state" (SP?) as Mia describes it and went to sleep. This morning I could tell he tried to drink water as his whole snout was wet and water was on the floor. I mash canned dog food in water so he can lick it. I know a decision has to be made, but not now, not on Mother's Day, when Mia is here and everything else is so perfect. I built a fire as it is COLD here and Mia made a lovely breakfast, spinach omelettes and toast. We played with Monkey's baby, Jean-Luc (thank you Hannah - great idea!), who luckily had an alpaca sweater on last night. His mouth is warm and belly somewhat full, so I think nursing is going alright. Last night after we came back from a fabulous dinner at Frank's I sat in the pen with Monkey and her baby. She is completely comfortable with me, but any cat who ventures in is quickly head-butted. Back to the dinner...Mia met us there after driving up from NJ, and Frank kept her company until we arrived, even with a full restaurant. What a swell guy! He treated us to his delicious but lethal Limoncello home-made liquor which couldn't help but "lighten" our moods. I had the seafood special and was a very, very happy camper. Home to nuzzle my little Jean-Luc and watch the flock eat dinner. Doesn't get any better than this. Mia and I went up to the hay mow so I could show her the 7 baby chicks. Lo and behold, they were poised way up high on a hay bale, enjoying the vantage point. I got some good shots with Mia's camera which was luckily in the pocket of my vest. Lost count of the amazing pics I've missed due to no camera on me at the moment, and critters don't hold the pose. Anyway, she sat on a bale and attempted to pick up a chick, when Mama Hen flew at Mia on full attack. I watched in horror as Mia's blonde hair went flying in all directions. She broke into a run and fortunately Mama let go. That's how all 7 chicks have survived the Kitty Cadre. Mama is one CRAZY protective Mother Hen! All children should have moms like her. Happy Mother's Day, moms of children, sheep, or whatever. Today is our day. Mia will help me shear goats, then maybe cut out the duvet cover I promised to make her after Maryland is over. If we have any energy left we'll go to Barnes and Noble. Not likely... I will have lots of pictures of Md. Sheep and Wool with critters galore once Mia takes her camera home and makes a disc of the pictures for me. My camera is still in the shop in NJ, which I am glad to get back as it is the one I used to take my BEST in SHOW picture.


  1. What a pair of handsome men :) HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!

    Hope its a great day for you and Mia too.

    Kim and crew

  2. Luke says that if you have another girl after Jennvier (sp?), you should name her Marissa.


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