Monday, May 11, 2009

Cold and Clear

The weather feels more like October than May. Breezy, cold and brisk. Mia left for NJ after a dream weekend. Non-stop girl talk and such good company. She's so good-natured and eager to do anything she can to help. I miss her so much but she has a busy life and had to get back to it. I gave her the Working Shepherd Hoodie Sweater that was a gift to me from Libby Llop for putting her up at the Md. Sheep and Wool. It fits Mia like a glove and she loves it. It will be good for her hikes with Andrew. I also gave her the Ralph Lauren silk plaid shift and I think she will wear it. Mia knows her own mind and never pretends to like something she doesn't. We went to Panera, then B&N last night to cap off our Mother's Day weekend. Bodie is resting. I hand feed and water him several times a day. He still can't stand up by himself, but he wags his tail whenever I come near him. Matt went to the ER from work today with a back injury and went straight to bed when he got home. The baby goats are doing nicely. Raven's baby is light as air and I fear she will break if stepped on. I gave Raven some grain and a big sheep leapt over the fence and into the pen to get it. I feared she might have crushed the baby but all is well. Time to take the doggies on their night-night walk and get some shut eye.

1 comment:

  1. Your babes are co cute together. I hope your DH will feel better soon. It is very hard when the guys get sick.


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