Friday, February 13, 2009

Nice Note

I do just fine when I take my fiber and wares to shows where people can see, touch and feel them. Not so easy to sell on the internet. Today I got a note from an old friend, Lea, who bought a pound of my angora/BFL on the Etsy site. She was so excited and just loved the fiber, saying it spins like a dream, etc. It was just what I needed to hear. She ordered two more pounds. This particular run has much more angora than I usually put into it. I just didn't have any more wool on hand and wanted to get the run done before NY State Sheep and Wool. I'm clipping bunnies and sorting through fleeces now. I plan on doing some dyeing next week when I'm not sewing. Multi colored roving is so much work. Each color is a seperate dye pot, with sorting and picking before hand, then washing, then dyeing, then washing again, then setting it out to dry and protecting it from the wild hoardes of cats and dogs, then picking again, then packing and shipping off to the mill for carding. When it comes back and I open the box and gasp, only then it's all worth it. Competition is very stiff at the shows, with so much beautiful fiber around and artists who know what to do with it to make it marketable. It's one way to make this grand experiment pay for itself. So far it's definitely not paying but I'm still trying - for now.


  1. Oh that is stunning!! Is the the gorgeous blue/green you had at Rhinebeck??
    Can't wait to see and fondle all the fibre at Maryland :)

  2. Anonymous8:14 PM

    The roving is gorgeous! The washing must make you crazy...just thinking of washing my finished yarn makes my lazy butt sigh. You're def a hard worker and it shows in your beautiful roving which (although I'm not that experienced) is by far the easiest to spin I've tried.


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