Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Poop Talks Nobody Walks

I was ready for another trying day at school, and it started out that way in the AM - I won't go into the gorry details but it had to do with students/food/cafeteria - use your imagination - but it turned out okay. I went to work with a student in the Career and Technical wing and heard a presentation on cutting out vinyl car logos using a Macbook and cutting machine. This particular teacher had already asked me for manure for his compost pile. After his talk I approached him about cutting out a logo for my little sheep show cargo trailer. Another student designed one for me last year and I have it on disk. He said sure, just bring him the poop and the logo and he'd be happy to do it. When I was doing my student teaching at Boonton High in New Jersey I would bring sacks of rabbit poop to a math teacher. I'd pop it right into the back of his pick up truck before school. I waited to work with my student but another teacher gave them a motivational speech all about work ethics, not burning bridges no matter how menial the job, etc. He told the story of his life and how he wanted to be a motocross rider and saved for his own bike by pulling weeds in a garden center, etc. He went on to college to become an accountant then worked his way up in a company to become an international sales rep and made a lot of $$, success, etc. The company was bought out and he eventually made his way to upstate NY. Here I was thinking oh, what a great example of a country boy who was raised with values, integrity, etc. It turns out he comes from the same area of northern New Jersey as I do! We had a nice chat about it after class, and I got to spend some time with my student.

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