Sunday, February 15, 2009

Hay We Got Good Hay

Mary (the first long-distance rider I met up here) turned me on to a dairy farmer in South Edmeston with fantastic hay. OMIGOSH it's good hay. I mean, the bales are so big I can hardly lift them and they are all green second cut HAY, no sticks. My sheep don't know what to do with themselves with all this good hay to eat. It's 6 at night and they are still eating the bales we put out this morning. I just called the farmer's wife to tell her how great the hay is and to make sure they have enough to get me through until May, maybe June. If I am losing my shirt over hay it's nice to have real hay and not brown sticks to feed them.

We motored up to New Hartford to Tractor Supply for some milk replacer. I had made up my mind to wean Larry and Lester and had been watering down their bottles when I ran out on Friday. They looked so miserable and I got worried. The only bucket they had in Norwich was the big $60 jumbo and I didn't want to do it. I found a smaller $26 sack of Save-a-Lam at TS today in Utica, so Larry and Lester have a reprieve for a couple of weeks. They are growing into such beautiful big boys and I want them to thrive. With this new, good hay they should do just fine. Panera was lovely, with good broccoli cheddar soup in the bread bowl, and the Sunday Times spread out on the table. We went from there to B&N and I got my stack of fiber magazines to flip through. Half hour later picked up a couple of things from WM and home to the farm. I found an order for my Purple Passion Bag on Etsy - yes!! Good thing, since I spent the C-note I brought home from the farmer's market in Tractor Supply.

Good news from Mia - she is coming for a visit on Wednesday and Thursday!! I had been down about not seeing my twins for their birthday, but Twin A is coming to me!! AJ doesn't have a car and is having mid-terms at the seminary this week, so I know I won't see him. Mia is so much fun and I love to hear her hospital stories. I bet she'll hold some horns for me so I can get the mohair off a goat or two.

1 comment:

  1. What great news! You and Mia will have a blast together (as always).


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