Sunday, February 01, 2009

Bright and Clear

The temp soared to 50 out of the wind today. No coat needed. The big snow cone already on the ground kept it from feeling warm, but it was still lovely. I mopped the pine floor in the apartment with Murphy's oil soap. It was dirty enough to make a remarkable difference with any attention at all. I love this floor with all it's natural knots and knicks. It's new but looks old like the barn. Tracking in from the area where the animals are is impossible to keep up with, but every once in a while I try. There are just so many other things to do besides clean. With my fuzzy logic I thought if I earned a Master's Degree I would never have to clean again - no deal. I got two bags finished this weekend - oh, are they cute. I borrowed a camera from school and had a wonderful time running around taking pictures of the farm and critters, along with the bags. Ofcourse they won't upload to the computer with the cord the graphic arts teacher gave me. The computer doesn't recognize the hardware. Okay...I will ask her for help tomorrow. Some of the sheep wandered out into the sunshine and I got some good shots. Outdoor pics are so much nicer. I wonder if the ground hog will see his shadow tomorrow. Won't matter, there will be six more weeks of winter here I guarantee it. Super Bowl is on but Matt doesn't want to watch it. Bad mood. Have to go get chores done so I can watch the next installment of Big Love and see what the wives are up to. Staff development tomorrow - easy day. We're learning about a literacy program. Works for me. Anything that will help kids read is fine with me.

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