Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Box of Goodies

I finally made it to the PO before the window closed to get my packages from Carol of Crayon Box Designs. Oh, the fabric is goooorrrrgeous. I am going to have a LOT of fun making bags with this stuff. This is a GREAT arrangement and I so appreciate her taking the time to shop for me. Jo-Lee is near her house in Freeville and Carol likes any excuse to go play with the textiles. It's good to have a textile artist's perspective on what people will like. I stopped to see Mary the Lone Long Distance Rider and trade soap for eggs. She has some BIG beautiful birds and the eggs are fantastic. Mary has a big batch of new lambs in her barn and it was just lovely to visit with them. Some of the bottle babies butted the back of my legs wanting to be picked up. It was such a sweet visit and nice to talk to another shepherd. The prettiest 300 plus acre farm in Brookfield (next to mine) was purchased by the same land development company that got my land and is dividing it up into parcels. It is right next to Mary's and such a perfect spot, with beautiful hay fields all around and a big historic barn. Too bad to see yet another farm divided, but taxes are high and lots of acreage means big tax bills.

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