Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Still Snowing

It's still snowing hard here, big heavy wet flakes, as it gets dark. How wonderful not to have to get dressed all day. I got several bags up on my Etsy store - Wish I had a better camera but they look okay. Have to get my hand creme and soap on there next. Speaking of cameras, I had it in my pocket as I did chores last night and a milk bottle leaked all over it. Won't turn on now! Matt came home from Syracuse early and wanted to go to the little local diner, The Beaver Den. We drove 3 miles through the winter wonderland that is Beaver Creek Valley to Brookfield and found the restaurant open. We were the only patrons there and watched the owners decorate for Valentines' Day while we ate. The one year old grandson played with his toys. It was a tender, tasty scene. Back home in time for Larry and Lester's bottles at 4. I had a lovely conversation with Mia today. Caught her as she and Andrew were shopping for his tuxedo for the Rotary Club Ball at the Parsippany Hilton on Saturday. Mia found her dress at Bloomingdales after purchasing and returning one from our old standby, Lord and Taylor. She's such a Jersey Girl! Wish I could see them dressed up and ready to go. She tells me Andrew is taking her skiing for her birthday in February. There was a time when my twins spending their birthdays apart was unthinkable, but they are grown up now, boo-hoo! Time flies by way too fast. It's been ten years since they left home and I still miss them like crazy. That's why I keep so ridiculously busy.


  1. Anonymous5:41 PM

    maggie - Sandi would probably let you borrow one of her nice Viscom Digital cameras if you want better pictures. You should ask...she's super nice.

    I love me a snow day!

  2. Anonymous9:39 AM

    I am not a jersey girl! I didn't have a choice! nothing to wear!! I hope that you get this comment. I'll be working on our birthday! oh well, we'll celebrate another time! love you


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