Sunday, January 11, 2009

Snowy Sunday and More to Come

There is something about Sunday morning I don't know how to describe. I don't feel like I have to bound out of bed and get going the way I do on Saturday, like, okay, I'm home so better do this, better do that. Sunday I linger a bit. I wrapped soap last night until one. ET was on, and so was SNL, so I flipped back and forth. I used to farm out my soap wrapping but am trying to get it done myself now. It's actually relaxing if I'm not in a rush and there's no delivering and picking up. I have the almond and lavender done except for labels - always a problem - and now that my printer is broken I have to ask Matt to do it at work. He hates to be bothered with it so I think I will go to the print shop and pay the 10 cents a page. The card reader on the printer is broken, too, and the little kitty who is sitting on my shoulder now just knocked my camera on the floor and it won't turn on. Oh, Joy, what next? Technical difficulties! Annie bought a card reader from Staples in San Jose that worked great and I could figure out how to use. Have to get one here. I can't blog without my pictures! All those faces and landscapes! After chores and bottle feedings I bit the bullet and scrubbed the bathroom floor. Matt was so appreciative he made me an omelet for lunch. It's the only thing he will willingly cook, and this took ten years to happen, so I put on a big fuss. It was perfect, with crusty edges just the way I like it. I finished Annie's grapefruit marmalade, boo-hoo. Better go back to San Jose and collect some more! I'm going to clip some bunnies and get a dyepot going. I miss the smell of vinegar and fiber cooking. It takes WEEKS to dry in the winter so I better get going so I can send another batch out to the mill before Md. Sheep and Wool. I have 99 pounds of one pound balls ready at the mill now. Need to get some more colors done and dried, and some natural colored alpaca and llama I've been keeping. I'll have them done in half-pound balls. People seem to like the smaller quantities. More soapmaking and lots of bag cutting is on the schedule, then a big football game tonight. While that's on I will soap in my WONDERFUL, FABULOUS, big white claw foot bath tub. I bathe in it every day, and, even if I'm running out the door, I make myself lie down in it for at least 60 seconds. I call it my Ceremonial Soak, to commemorate the year that I lived in the RV and didn't have the facilities to bathe properly. This bath tub lay on the driveway of my old place for a couple of years after Matt dragged it home from a job site. His workers wanted to smash it and put it in the dumpster but Matt said no. I LOVE old things with a history. They have spirits lingering from their former owners. My tub was the home of frogs and insects for a while, now it's my pleasure palace. The shower attachment I want for it costs about $400 (for a cheap one) so for now I bathe British style and wash my hair underwater. I read about Winston Churchill and his bath antics, how he would turn somersaults in the tub, splashing all the water out and driving the servants crazy. No servants to mop it up here, just yours truly. My only complaint is that Matt installed it too close to the wall and I can't get behind it to clean. Men don't think about that stuff cause they are not usually the ones who clean the bathroom!
More snow coming for the next three days. I am used to it now, but HAVE to leave earlier for work. The upstate folks I work with deal with the driving in bad weather much better than I do. Mia's Jeep is proving to be fantastic in the snow, and the hundreds of pounds of corn in the back help with traction. Friday I got in late due to horrible icy conditions and everybody else was there, relaxed and happy. I was so stressed running across the icy parking lot I said what in the world are you doing to yourself, Girl? Calm down, spring is on the way - in four months!

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