Saturday, January 03, 2009

Saturday PM

Lambs doing alright. New little single ram lamb (no name yet, I better ask Hannah) is nursing regularly but I don't know how much he is getting. I am feeding Mom hay, a little pellets, and warm molasses water. Don't want her milk to come in too fast but I want her to think Hmmmm, maybe being in this cage with that little thing that sucks on my teats is not that bad! Lilly keeps talking to her boys and can't feed them. I've given them more powdered colostrum but am giving up on getting much from new mom and her tiny udder. I might break down and start the milk replacer. Don't want them to get too weak. Speaking of weak, I am tired. I felt a burst of energy and decided to wash out the milk room. The Milk Room Kitties have been using the room as their giant cat box and I am fed up. I spied one kitty eating a great big fat rat he caught last night so that softened me a bit...but when I found poop on my cookie cutters that they pulled out of the bag, well, I went ballistic. All kitties out of the milk room and into the barn where they will have to find wool or hay to sleep in. The other kitties do just fine there, now they will have to as well. When they start pooping on the stove and shelves, that's it. I will heat up some ground mutton for them. Yes, Frodo, Malcolm, Bilbo and the others came home in the form of pet food. Funny what desperation and life on the frontier can do to you. I was worried I would become nauseous and not be able to handle the meat, but I did okay. I had to eat my rabbits while growing up and now I can't smell rabbit meat without getting sick. I rationalize the feeding of the Boys to the cats and dogs like this:

1. I know where they went and that they were not shipped from pillar to post, suffering all the way from cold, thirst and hunger.
2. They were quite mature and would have died in a year or two anyway.
3. They will help the farm by lessening our hay and cat/dog food bill.

Back to the milk room. I tossed the kitties into the barn and blocked the opening in the wall they were using to come in from the driveway. I scraped up all the poop and swept the floor. I washed the floor with bleach and soapy water. I won't be able to smell anything for a week but at least I won't get upset every time I go in there.

It's snowing now and the news is all about Israel going into Gaza. The world is rallying around the Palestinians. Not me. Some reasons why:

1. My Southern Baptist mother taught me to believe, like most fundamentalist Christians, that Israel has to exist or Jesus can't come back again and raise the dead.

2. The Jewish people had NO where else to go after WWII - not even the US would take them in after Hitler tried to annihilate them.

3. The United Nations voted to give them their ancient homeland in 1948, even though the Palestinians were squatting there.

4. The Bible says that Abraham bought the land on the West Bank to bury his wife, Sarah, and their graves are still there in the Cave of Machpelah (sp?) on the West Bank of the Jordan River.

5. I think the Arab countries purposely did not take the Palestinians in when they were displaced by the Jewish people so they would matyrs for the anti-Jewish cause. Why weren't they absorbed by Jordan or Saudi Arabia, with all their land and wealth?

6. Israel is the only truely democratic government in the area where women can drive cars and hold government positions and don't have to cover their bodies in public.

7. Israel gave back much of their land to further the cause of peace but it will never be enough until "every Jew is pushed into the sea."

I could go on and on. Israelis don't machine gun babies in their cribs like Palestinians do. Israelis make the desert bloom and don't build tunnels and smuggle arms to use in terrorist attacks. They do what they have to do in the open to survive and let the world deal with it.

We need Israel now more than ever. If Israel goes down we in the US are next.

I wonder what would happen if Mexico or Canada were lobbing missiles at our cities whenever they felt like it? Hmmmmm... I never thought I would be thankful for anything George Bush does, but he does support Israel unconditionally. I guess Israel had to take care of business before Barack comes in. They are not sure how BHO would react to a military action like this. I'm not sure either.

Better go check on my lambs. WWJD? I think Jesus would want his home, Israel, to survive and prevail. Omigosh, what a rant. This is what happens when I am really tired.

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