Saturday, January 24, 2009

One Fine Day

The temp soared to 34 here on the farm yesterday. It was positively balmy and the standing water in the milk room sink went down. Walking the doggies was a pleasant experience. This morning is gray, dark and cold again with horizontal snow blowing. I made coffee and ate one of the last remaining Annie's biscotti, taking each bite like the blessed sacrament. Got the fire going again. Let it go out last night after the horrendous wind that came up after midnight filled the little apt. with black smoke. I hunkered down with the doggies to finish my coffee and, as I hoped, the doggies went back to sleep. They will have to pee soon and the boys need their bottles, so I better suit up. We have to pick up hay this morning - won't be fun in this weather. The wood pile is at the very bottom of the driveway, as Jan's giant sports car trailer was blocking the better spot for Steve to drop the load. It won't be fun hauling it up to the barn, one wheel barrel load at a time. I'm still in shock that with her vast resources of cash and credit she didn't buy a tractor - not even a little utility tractor - and they live way off the road in the middle of 40 acres. Different priorities...

I have lots of fabric to play with today, and 98 pounds of soap to cut up...oh, that patchouli oil! REAL patchouli, none of that scent oil nonsense. Have to find some cute yellowish green cotton fabric to wrap all this Lemon Eucalyptus soap with and figure out how I'm going to get labels printed. Matt was doing it for me but is now too busy at work. My printer is shot. Might as well go to Staples and pay 10 cents a page and not cause myself more stress. Maybe they can do it with waterproof ink so the printing won't get smudged. Better get to work, whoops, it's Saturday! Still better get to work.

1 comment:

  1. Any news of the tractor Matt was going to look at?
    Must be a major pain to have to wheelbarrow the wood up to the barn.


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