Sunday, January 04, 2009

Knit1 Magazine Blogs

I bought myself a present last night - a Knit1 Magazine. $5 I didn't need to spend but I wanted to check out the knitting blogs they featured. Got a chance to check them out this morning after:

1. making coffee and walking the dogs
2. Bottle feeding Larry and Lester
3. cooking the cats breakfast
4. making toast for myself and oatmeal for Matt
5. bringing in laundry from milk room
6. various other unmentionable things

I clicked on a few wanting to see what constitutes a knitting blog worthy of being featured in a commercial magazine. Some thoughts:

1. It's all about brands. I am so not into brands...just natural fiber yarn.
2. Some blogs were not updated regularly.
3. Some of the bloggers were city/apartment dwellers, leaving so much more time to play with yarn and knit...rather unlike the lifestyle I lead.

What makes a blog that would really intrigue me and keep me a loyal reader?

1. Blogger raises her/his own fiber animals.
2. She is open and honest about the joys and pitfalls of raising one's own fiber and believes that it is infinitely more meaningful to raise your yarn vs. buying yarn that comes from God-knows-where.
3. Adds some personal aspects of her life giving the blog more meaning.
4. Posts regularly so I don't have to wait, wait, and wait for another post.

How would I critique my own blog?

1. Good pictures, but could use a better camera.
2. Too long on personal stuff - this girl needs therapy! I know I make my kids cringe when they read it sometimes.
3. Very faithful posting, always something new to read.
4. Why doesn't this girl give up on raising her own sheep and buy some brand yarn from a LYS (local yarn shop for the unaware).

I kind of like my blog the way it is and would probably couldn't change if I tried...and, aside from a better camera and some basic computer skills - like learning how to post labels on the side and add videos, etc., I would probably keep it the same. I still miss Carolyn D'Agostino's blog, Curlypurl, which I thought was so open and honest with a good amount of fiber and personal drama. She's moved on to other things, boo-hoo. I felt like I knew her from her writing. I love to write and sometimes I have no will over what comes out. It just does. I do tend to delete posts I think better of.

Chores to do, including more bottle feeding. Just what I need, more bottle babies.

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