Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Kiss the Ground

It was one of "those days," combined with the fact that I made my way home in driving snow on icy roads. So what else is new? I stopped at the Little White Store at the end of my road for milk. It's 60 cents cheaper per gallon than the local market in New Berlin. That's a little under a quarter bale of hay! I have avoided this store for more than two years. It's rather odd looking, with the sign blown down and neon liquor signs in the windows. I have to be careful how I word this and I dare not take a picture for fear of locals misunderstanding what I am trying to convey....but although it's rundown it's very convenient and the people very friendly. They live in the back of the store with two little children who you can catch glimpses of as they play and watch television. The gentleman owner, who runs the store while he babysits as mom works away from home, is very proud of his prices and likes to tell me everything new he has in stock. We chatted a while and he took away the sharp edges from the day at school. Fortunately it doesn't take much, and when I see my kitties waiting for me and hear the lambs calling to me, well, I am so grateful to be home. This "home" is why I put up with the other stuff. Every time I start entertaining thoughts of retirement, I imagine the faces of my doggies, kitties, sheep, etc. and realize I am sooooo very stuck. Sometimes I get tired of the uphill climb I've been on for the last 20 years. There I go, whining again. I drive the one mile remaining as darkness descends on the little valley. I notice there are no tracks in the foot of snow in the driveway. FedEx has not come to deliver the lining fabric I need for the Field Hockey Plaid bags I want to make. I logged on to the tracking post and saw a note saying "no such number." Great! After three years, and plenty of packages, my street number is still not recognized by the major delivery companies. I live in the barn next to the old farmhouse and no one can imagine anyone living in it, and why would they with a house next door??? The mailbox was knocked down and there is no number telling people I am "here." So I found some cardboard and tacked up "902" hoping Fed Ex would noticed. I also called them on the phone. Still no package today. I won't really have time to sew until the weekend, but I wanted to see my fabric!! Maybe tomorrow...I got the stove going, using my bag shims for kindling. Real cold coming tonight and staying for days. Have to keep the drip on tonight...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Thanks for the tip about the White Store. I moved to Brookfield a few months ago, and for the same reason have not been there yet.
    I'm enjoying your Blog. It's quite an accomplishment to do everything that you do AND write about it.


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