Sunday, January 11, 2009

Izzy and the Piggies

Izzy likes to tease the piggies. He reaches in their pen and picks out pieces of dung before they can get at him. I am concerned the delicious taste of the dung will cause Izzy to have a momentary lapse in concentration and he'll get his nose nipped. The girls are getting big and starting to dismantle the stanchions acting as the fence to the pig pen. In the meantime, they are enjoying their hay and warm slop. I am amazed at how clean and pretty they are. We throw in lots of hay which the girls proceed to dig into the mud. The hardest part about raising them is getting the buckets of slop to the back of the barn without being attacked by the sheep. AJ had to come to my rescue and managed to save half the warm soup for the girls after I was mobbed. Putting hay out for the sheep first usually helps.

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