Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year

I celebrated New Year's Eve at 40,000 feet. Most of the passengers deplaned at Las Vegas. Eight of us stayed on to go to Albany. We had to wait an hour for a couple with a baby who couldn't get out of Seattle where they have been slammed with bad weather. The airline couldn't find them an available hotel room in all of Las Vegas and place a "hold" on our plane to get them where they need to go. We moaned and groaned until we finally saw them get on board with the tot. They were thanking the crew profusely for waiting and were so relieved. Travelling with little ones can be awful. There were alternating screams and giggles the whole way across the country. I had moved my seat up front to get off the plane quicker, but having been up since 4 am I was getting real sleepy. I left my stuff, stepped over the sleeping gentleman on the aisle seat,and went to the back of the plane where I was able to stretch out across three seats for a while. Lots of people had the same idea. The party people had deplaned at Las Vegas and I confess I was a little envious. They were all dressed up and ready to rock and roll. The Southwest crew had plans to party once they got to Albany. I had called Matt in Las Vegas to tell him about the delay so he could rest.Sill sick as a dog, and filled with more phlegm than I thought a human could contain, he had worked all day and come home to do chores. The cheerful Southwest crew was terrific. One woman had not brought any food with her. The pilot said he knew a place in the airport that made great tacos, and got off the plane to go and get her one! The flight attendants had two bottles of champagne and poured enough for the whole plane to have a toast at midnight! It was wonderful! Annie had packed me a delicious snack bag so I was set. When we landed and they opened the door the blast of cold hit us like a ton of bricks. Ahhh, New York State! Matt was waiting with the truck and we collected Mia's pink suitcases, filled with all of Annie's care packages...biscotti tins, fudge, salsa, fresh guacomole made before the ride to the airport, homemade chocolate chip cookies, chips, etc. We passed a Denys, full of people and the only place open, and had a bite to eat before setting off on the 2 hours drive to the farm. We pulled in at 4:30 am with the driveway covered in drifts. I don't have to tell you the screams and yelps of joy that came from my dogs when they saw me. I finally hit the sack around 5 slept to 10. After a very strong cup of coffee and the foamy milk from Annie's whisk, I donned my fleece underwear and Carhartts to go out into the barn and do what I do. Baby Thunder was especially happy to see me. My head is whirling with all the happy memories of Christmas in California with my babies. I miss them so much I can hardly think of them without tears welling up. They're growing up so fast and someday they will be too busy with teenage things to play with Omi, or spend summers on the farm. Right now I could go back to the airport and get right back on the plane to be with those little monkeys, but I'll keep busy with my critters, which is why I have them all in the first place - to fill a tremendous void. Let me go give Baby Thunder another hug.

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