Friday, January 02, 2009

Don't Worry, Be Happy

A psychologist on the Today Show just talked about some things we can do to improve our spirits during the winter and this difficult economic time. She said to sit down every day and make a list of some things that make you happy. This will improve your outlook on life within as little as three weeks. Makes sense to me. Writing it down forces you to focus on it. She also recommended making a list of all your financial expenses. I saw my son Eric doing just that. It was very long. He tells me he writes down everything he spends money on to make sure he's within his budget. Good boy! I'm afraid to make a list like that as it might counter the effects of the happy list! The psychologist also said that people who are spiritually connected are much happier because they can weather storms better. I feel spiritually connected to my sheep and my church is in the barn. Speaking of sheep...from now to May 1 I have to work on getting ready for Maryland Sheep and Wool. Thank you, Fiber Goddesses, for letting me in that show! I have to ask AJ if there is a saint for wool, weavers, knitters, or soapmakers, and get an icon for her (or him). Let's see - I have 16 weeks and can make two bags a week comfortably. That will give me 32 bags. I will apply to Colorscape in Norwich, NY, and the new fall Washington County Fiber Festival near Saratoga, NY. Don't know if I can handle any more than that. The Farmer's Market will begin in May - great way to make a little $$ over the summer. Thankfully, I still like to do this stuff...and the soap makes my apt. smell so nice. Let's pray for good health this year. Maybe all those Volatile Organic Compounds floating around the new building I work in will not be quite so volatile this year. 10 F. this morning and snow expected by the afternoon. We are making a hay run this morning. My BOCES boys didn't return, or didn't receive, my phone call for help last night, so I will be slinging bales with Matt and shovelling the driveway. Better go soak the back in the bath tub a few minutes first. Last two days of had to end sometime.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Maggie:)

    You'll rock at Maryland this year I have no doubt. And if you need me I'll gladly come down for the event -I mean twist my arm -good friends, fabulous fibre and loads of fun~~~~



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