Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Baby It's Cold Outside

Okay, it's cold. I got out a little earlier (yes, a miracle) to meet with my boss at work this morning. The sky was so gorgeous, with pink and orange tones everywhere. We had snow last night and the roads were covered and frozen with all the world glistening in the early light. Approaching New Berlin I saw a verticle rainbow, with thick colored stripes, standing straight up from the ground to the clouds. I was awestruck and fumbled for my camera, which was not in any of the 7 pockets in my purse. I decided to freeze frame it in my head, but would have loved a picture. It was sunny and warm in our beautiful new building all day, where they have the BEST hot lunch for $3, cooked by the Culinary kids, (I will be fat as long as I work at BOCES) then back outside to face the cold. Home to build the fire back up and start hauling water to the flock. When it's very cold animals are even more thirsty as the cold dries them out. I climbed up into the hay mow to spread two sheep fleeces out for the kitties to snuggle in. There's not enough hay for them to find hiding places, but the wool will help. After being in the warm apartment my bare hands did the vaso-constriction thing and oh, did they hurt. Had a hard time climbing down the ladder and ran in the milk room to run them under warm water. I built the fire back up again and took a half hour to lie down on the sofa covered with dogs and kitties. It was heavenly. The peasant in me says take care of the animals, put wood on the fire and go to bed. It's dark, it's January and it's cold. Matt brought home a big sheet of ziti from his training session today. I put some cheese on top and melted it in the oven. Funny how running the oven is fine in this weather. Propane tank is full so why not use it. Have to suit up to do chores. The fleece ski underwear Mia gave me years ago is such a blessing. Thought about putting silkies under it but don't think I need it. In weather like this I'm so thankful for my barn. Two of the horses I pass on the way to work have their blankets on. I pass others that have nothing on, and no where to go for cover. So grateful for my big barn where my critters can stay dry and out of the wind...even if it is cold as h-e-double-l inside. I saw Chris Kupris when he came over with my fabric that Fed Ex left on his door step. I asked how he's doing and he said "freezing." I asked again how are things and he said "freezing." I know he has firewood as I saw the pile last summer. Hope he has enough. My first on-line order of fabric is terrific, lovely gold dragonflies on a pinkish red background. It's a little fancier than I anticipated, and don't quite know how I will use it yet. Glad to know Fabric Guru will work out for me. This fabric should cost a fortune and it's pretty cheap...and shipped to me (well, almost). I called Eric to ask him how the kids are doing in their after-school program (fine), and how Annie is doing in her new job (loves it) and how my sweetheart Booker is doing (coming along with no cast but still movement restricted). If I think too hard about my California family I will start surfing the net for good fares. Can't do that! Time to get the chores done and take my doggies to bed. It's a five dog night!

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