Monday, January 26, 2009

Another Storm Coming

When Matt came in from putting out hay I said is it very cold? He said not really. So I washed my hair. After all it was day 3 and I usually scrub the head every other day. Got dressed and went out the apartment door. It was like walking into a giant freezer, with crystalized windows and air so cold my hair went zzzziiiipppp and it was stiff as a board. I checked the thermometer and it was minus 10F. Yes, it was cold. The little Jeep protested a bit but turned over. If this car doesn't last I am in big trouble after giving away my Ranger, but I'm hopeful. Larry, Lester and Levi are not happy with me after finally putting the bands on their tails last night. It's been too long and needed to be done. I was able to palpate the testicles in their scrotums enough to get Levi and Lester done, but couldn't find the second one on Larry. If you leave one testicle up above the band they are still intact. I decided to wait until I could be sure. After holding three fighting, kicking lambs still Matt had just about had it. I gave them bottles right away to try and take their minds off the pain, but little Larry just couldn't suck. I felt awful about it but this morning he sucked with the same gusto as usual. I kept my runty goat in the milk room last night, along with a few cats I didn't have the heart to kick out. It's just so cold they hold their paws up when they walk on the icy driveway. I named my runty goat Ruthie. I found out she likes cat food, layer mash, rabbit pellets and corn best of all. I know she'd rather be with the flock but I'm sick of them running her over and leaving her flat out, besides it's just too cold. I got six bags cut out yesterday, and another fleece dyed yellow. I'm working on a nice big yellow run of BFL roving with colored angora interspersed throughout. This Sunflower yellow from Jacquard is very striking and should look great in the booth and in the sample packs I make. Home from school and popped a casserole in the oven. Love when I have some ready for cooking. Got a good fire going after walking the doggies and bottles are ready. Storm coming tomorrow and Wednesday. Like they say to me at work, welcome to New York!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Those kitties are cute too and the one on the yellow looks just like my lily cat! only Miss Lily has gray spots like a cow has black/brown spots.

    That yellow wool looks hot I might have to purchase some after you get it carded.


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