Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Kiddie, Kitty and Doggie Heaven

I snuggled and hugged, then snuggled and hugged some more with Hannah and Luke, then thoroughly inspected young Booker's, the PB English Pointer's, leg wound. Perdita the chihuahua is as feisty and cute as ever. Between big wet kisses I scolded Booker about digging under the fence and scaring everybody with his accident. The first surgery group wanted $5,000 to fix his leg, and Eric almost decided to have him made into sausage, but Annie prevailed and found another vet who would rebuild his leg for $2,000. I told her good move, Annie, because the money is well-spent and Booker means much more to the kids than another motorcycle or some such toy. He is lying beside me on a blanket in the kitchen while I write this and I can hardly keep my eyes and hands off him. God Bless whoever picked him up on the road and brought him to the shelter for help. Annie made us a delicious lasagna dinner then Luke and I played Battleship and Chutes and Ladders. We got jammies on and settled in to watch the Two Towers under a blanket on the sofa. I love the revenge of the Ents part. Luke went to bed and we soon lost Hannah. I succumbed to the excitement of the day and bedded down with Hannah on her double fouton with the kitties enjoying the electric blanket. San Jose is warm and pleasant during the day, and cool at night. There are roses blooming and oranges ripening on fruit trees everywhere.

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