Monday, December 29, 2008

Goodbye Uncle AJ

After inching our way out of the Candlestick Park traffic jam, we took AJ to the San Francisco International Airport to catch his Virgin Airlines flight to Las Vegas. He is meeting some friends for a New Year celebration. I was sad to see him go, as the past few days were the most time we have spent together in years. Prior to his quick visit to the farm a couple of months ago, I had not seen him in 7 months. He will be at St. Vladimir's in Yonkers for another two years, which I hope to take advantage of. When he is ordained the Army will surely deploy him. The chaplain who took over for him in Las Vegas has already been sent to Afghanistan. Little Luke was so adorable when we drove away and said something like, "Uncle AJ used to babysit for us when our parents went out because they love each other. He took us to Chucky Cheese!" This little boy, who can be a little testy and difficult at times, has a huge capacity for love and affection. I have two more days here and will try to get as much sugar as I possibly can. I won't see Hannah and Luke for another six or seven months. Tough to be a long-distance grandmother.

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