Monday, December 29, 2008

Golden Gate Bridge

Annie went to 8 o'clock church at St. Stephen in the Fields Episcopal Church. She was one of 2 attendees. Father Ken must have been very appreciative of both. Can't imagine a church service where nobody at all showed up but I'm sure it's happened. I made sandwiches for a picnic lunch to save $$ and we piled in the truck to head north to San Francisco. Eric had free tickets to a football game from a Boy Scout source, and we were going to stop at the Golden Gate Bridge to do some touristy sight-seeing pre-game. I had forgotten that the bridge is a Roebling design from New Jersey. He built the bridge over the Delaware I crossed twice a day for four years to work in NJ, along with the Brooklyn Bridge. Sean Redmond, Matt's handsome son, lives in San Francisco and met us at the bridge to visit before the game. Sean is 30 and is a web master for a jewelry company. He and AJ are good buddies. When I met him 10 years ago I thought he was a big-mouth wise guy (gee, where could he get that from?), but now he is very Suave-Bolla and quite charming. We walked around the paths lined with lovely flowering shrubs, enjoying the balmy weather. The views are spectacular from the site and lots of tourists, mostly Asian, were gathering around Roebling's statue for group pics. The atmosphere was very happy and festive. I was wearing my red vintage JCrew Christmas sweater from the archives - very warm and a good color for the game I was to find out. We said goodbye to Sean and motored through the city, up and down the hills that are SF, to Candlestick Park.

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