Saturday, December 13, 2008

Caught in the Act

I stacked some rabbit cages near the hatch going up to the hay mow until I could get someone to help me get them up there. A little hen kept hopping in there to lay an egg, so I didn't move them. I put some chicken feed inside the cage where I thought the chickens could eat undisturbed...or so I thought. Look who has been stealing the chicken's dinner!


  1. Anonymous9:46 AM

    what a scamp! Gotta love him ...

  2. LOL what a character!!!
    HUGS to all. hope you're all okay -we see the terrible weather reports on the news.
    Kim and crew

  3. Heh, very ingenious young man you have there. And ooo-la-la, look at all that fabulous fiber there on him!


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