Monday, December 29, 2008

Bicycling Around the Neighborhood

Hannah, Luke and I set off on bicycles to the tennis courts near their school. We wanted to try out Auntie Mia's tennis racquets she gave them for Christmas. The weather today was so warm and springlike I had to take off my sweater. I still think I am in CNY and a snow storm might blow in without notice. We hit the ball back and forth with some success and enjoyment, then decided to ride around. The tires in my bike were a bit flat and it took some work to keep up with them. After picking oranges from someone's tree (I kept thinking I was going to be arrested, or at least yelled at by the neighbors but Californians are very laid back about this sort of thing) with Luke on my shoulders, we set out on the bikes. The clever kiddies, knowing that Omi could hardly keep up, set off to go back to the house where computer games and TV were waiting. Not my idea of a healthy way to spend a balmy day in California. By the time I caught up with them they were already holding down the sofa. Oh well, it's their vacation, too.

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