Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Back Home Safe

The weather was awful this morning - sleet and ice covering the roads again. The trusty Jeep got me there okay. I pray it keeps working. With all the money Mia poured into it I should get another year out of it. Every time I venture out in bad weather I breathe a sigh of relief 1) when I get there in one piece and 2) when I arrive home. The sight of the big barn looming in the distance, unburned, with the roof intact, is a big relief. I can usually count on some form of mishap waiting for me, but, considering the propensity for disaster, I'm usually happy about being home. We had a little party after work, with my favorite sparkling cider and snacks. The principal said a few words and thanked us for a job well done. I was hoping to get another sip of cider but the remaining bottle still had the cap on and I didn't have the nerve to ask for a church key. Hope Annie has some for Christmas in San Jose. Speaking of trip...I can't remember a Christmas when I was less prepared. Well, maybe two years ago when Christmas was in the trailer. We had a little branch sticking up from back of the TV. Last year Mia went out into the fields and cut a bigger branch which we tied to the barn beam here in the apt. It was very different and beautiful. I see lots of little trees on the side of the road while driving to school, but I'm reluctant to cut seedlings on other people's land. I used to have unbelievable Christmas celebrations with half of the living room taken up with the Tree and gifts...but life is different now, and times are hard all over. I was reading in the Sunday Times how rich people are having shopping parties in their homes because they are reluctant to show how much money they are able to spend when there is so much poverty around. You go girls - glad someone has money to throw around. I'm going to get my boots on and go hug a lamb!

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