Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Vets Day

Very interesting news programs this morning. I usually turn on Morning Joe at 6 am. The Today Show doesn't start until 7 and by then I am out in the barn. I like to get a dose of news and politics while sipping my own joe. Joe Scarborough made a good point...he showed the front pages of many major newspapers in the US and pointed out the lack of positive stories about veterans and the good soldiers do on their foreign deployments, or Veteran's Day celebrations around the country. Sadly, he said, if there is an ugly story to tell about soldiers going over the edge, or doing something illegal, it is all over the papers. I am the daughter of two WWII veterans and mother of two Army vets, one still serving. This story hit home. When I think about it, I was born 7 years past the end of WWII. The war was fresh in everyone's minds and it's aftermath, the Cold War, was raging. My father was travelling the country participating in shooting matches with the Army pistol team. There were ammo boxes, trophies, and Army gear everywhere you stepped in my house. A large portion of my collective memory was painted olive drab. As I watch the Today Show on my day off, there are vignettes about Sarah Palin, the Aussy surfer who hit the Big Wave, and high end prostitution. Sadly, not much about vets. People outside the station are holding up signs, trying to get the military people in their families some TV time. I'll check around the stations...I suspect Ted Turner will have more vets recognition on CNN.

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