Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Very Snowy Drive

I knew it was snowing, but it's always worse in Brookfield. I thought for sure once I got on route 8 and headed south the weather would improve, but it didn't. It was slow going all the way to New Berlin, so I kept on route 8 to South New Berlin instead of going over the mountain on Kings Settlement Road. I had new tires and 300 pounds of corn in the back of the little Jeep Mia gave me. Everybody was going around 30 tops, just fine with me. Often I'm passed by sets of three cars at a time, extremely annoying. Now I just move over a little and let them pass. I won't speed up in bad weather for anyone. I cut over to Norwich on Tanner's Hill, much easier climb in snow. Most of the teachers came in. Last time we had a bad storm I was the only one who didn't make it in. I seriously lost face, and being a Jersey girl it was even worse. We had a total of two students all day, as most of our sending districts closed or were delayed and the kids stayed home. We had a very relaxing day. Gretchen made pancakes for us and we ate a leisurely lunch together. The ride home was much better but it's still wet and dreary. Sister Bernadette was shovelling her walk in her habit when I pulled into the driveway of the farm. She must be home from the convent for the holiday weekend. I'm cutting out bags before doing chores. Half day tomorrow, very few kids will show up I think.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Here is to hoping that kids stay home tomorrow...stupid half day! It was fun having breakfast and lunch today...like old times!


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