Saturday, November 29, 2008

Sheep in the Snow

There is something so very lovely about sheep in the snow. Snow is the perfect backdrop for their various natural colors. Sheep love the snow, and like it up like a giant snowcone. Andrew and Loren came to help me for a while yesterday morning. We got the rest of the big wethers into their seperate area and I trimmed two goats. Some of the goats are terribly ragged and I can't do drastic shearing this late. I clean them up a bit and leave enough on their backs to keep them warm. The guys went with Matt to pick up hay. Matt is having awful back and shoulder problems, making the hay issue difficult. I made warm cheese biscuits for Andrew and Loren, they left and we went to Louis Gale for feed. They are in Waterville, kind of out of my beaten path, but their feed is half the price. It all comes in 100 pound bags. I can hoist a 50 pounder up and onto my shoulder just fine, but NOT 100 pounds! Poor crippled Matt is left to struggle with them. Big strapping Andrew and Loren have no problem. I wish I started in sheep a LONG time ago, but here we are now, trying to make the best of it. I am going for a computer lesson in New Berlin today. I have to learn to manage my own web site, and get my computer fixed. It is slow as molasses, and even posting a blog pictures takes 10 minutes. John of "Computer Support" sounds real nice, and is willing to teach me using the Dreamweaver software. We'll see how it goes...I have been having much too much fun the last couple of days and have to work harder. I have three bags going and another cut out. I have to make creme tonight for some orders pending and get in the milk room and make soap. It's so cozy and warm in the apt. and I can watch movies while I sew. The milk room is a scary place, in much need of windows, and a new drain. That's way down on the list I'm afraid and Matt is going away frequently now with his new career.

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