Monday, November 24, 2008

Mia's Toast

Mia spent some time writing a little speech to make with her toast, then forgot her notes at the Hyatt. She winged it so amazingly well, I couldn't believe this was my daughter. She spoke so passionately and articulately about her friendship with Lisa, about how they met "in the womb" when Susan Palmer and I slipped and slid down an icy path to our cars after a medical dinner, holding on to each other, pregnant bellies rubbing together. She talked about how awful it was when Lisa moved to California and how Mia worried about their friendship, but how it was strengthened by the seperation. She went on and on, and I was so proud of my little daughter, who was always so quiet and shy. Not any more. She has blossomed into a self-possessed woman who can hold the room in awe of her beauty and intelligence. And then we danced, and danced some more!

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