Monday, November 03, 2008


I sewed until late, and hit the sack around midnight. Woke up at quarter to six, not too bad. I dreamed I surprised some black men stealing my black sheep. I hope that means Obama is going to win the election...or maybe it means something is going to steal it from him? Don't know but we'll see soon enough. Matt got my TV working again. A clip was weak somewhere along the line in the barn. I was really missing my New Age music channel. Got two bags done yesterday. I was feeling so out of sorts so I started to sew and it straightened me right out. Shooter was on last night. I remember when Marky Mark was an underwear model. He's much cuter with some lines on his face. Sheep are quiet in the barn. Weather cold but is supposed to be mild today. Hope work is less weird today.


  1. Shooter? I haven't heard of that show. I think everyone looks better as the mature. Baby faces are for babies ;o)

  2. "Shooter" is a movie with Mark Wahlberg and Danny Glover as the bad guy. I talked to a sub at school today who told me Shooter is one of many books by an author who writes all about Vietnam War era snipers. Not that I enjoy gratuitous violence, but this is a good movie! Maybe it's the loner, one man against corrupt government, etc. that appeals to me.


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