Saturday, November 08, 2008

Damp and Muggy

Grey skies, threatening rain. Have a mountain of dishes to wash, then draw shots for the shearing today. Jim can't stay all day, so we'll get the wooliest sheep done. He leaves a little on them so they are not completely naked. I have to make curtains for the new, larger bedroom windows. Matt has some silver windshield sun barrier propped up in the window now and it looks rather funky. Everything about this place is farm funky. He bought the materials to install the required fire alarms, another thing we can check off the code compliance list. We are woefully behind. I asked Matt to call the compliance officer, who wears a police uniform (?!) for some grace time as we are not going to make the Dec. 1 deadline. Wonder if I'll be back in the trailer for Christmas. I keep thinking of the cute little house up the hill that Eric tried to buy for me but Matt said, naw - it's a piece of ----. Thanks alot honey! OH WELL, just put it in my rucksack and keep on marching. AJ is coming to visit from the seminary in Yonkers. He is taking the train to Utica on Monday. He asked me if I had TV, hot water, computer, etc. Very funny. I reminded him that working with sheep is very biblical. I have a plan to build hay feeders with hog panels. It came to me one day while working in the barn, and I don't know why I haven't thought of it before. It won't require a single nail, just wire cutters, wire and panels. I can't drive a nail or use a hand saw to save my life, but I can cut wire. Best of all, I won't have to bother Beastie Boy. He is leaving for Buffalo on Tuesday to pick up some energy guru and take him across the state to do weatherization trainings with him. God Bless, as long as NY is picking up the tab - fine with me. Go party! Better go draw those shots.

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