Saturday, October 25, 2008

Wet Pumpkins

The annual Pumpkin Festival was a wash out...poor participants and vendors soaking wet. Maybe better weather for them tomorrow. Matt and I had a lovely "date afternoon" with coffee in La Maison Blanche before going to Lowe's for barn windows. I found a nifty boot scraper, only 8 bucks! It's hard rubber and can be washed with a hose. Wish I found it a long time ago, my poor pine floors wouldn't be quite so scratched up. Hard not to track in when you live in a barn. Stopped at Walmart for thread and a few things. I hate the place but love the prices. When I save a dollar or more on each item, well, it's hard not to go back. Remind me not to go there on a Saturday, the lines were awful. I did get to read some articles in Cosmopolitan magazine, which I haven't picked up in years. All about sex and how great it is to be young and beautiful. I was glad to get back to the farm and my sheep where I feel perfectly at home! They were happy and dry in the barn, with pouring rain outside. I think I have a couple of pregnant ewes, my lovely Lilly included. How could she do this to me with my trip to Ca. planned for Christmas? I didn't want to breed her again. She has one udder, which can be a challenge. Ashamed of myself! I should have known August 1 is too late to pull the rams. Good thing I found hay right down the road. We stopped and spoke to Mr. Simmonds this morning, and gave him a deposit on 2,000 bales. The sheep will eat this winter. I think I will have some Christmas lambs. The Nativity Story is on TV. I love the part about the shepherds, living with their sheep outside all the time. Wish I could do that. I feel so Christmasy, with the cold weather here. I'm scrambling for sweaters and my silk long underwear. I would have frozen at Rhinebeck if I didn't have the silkies Annie got me for Christmas. I really need some warm barn pants...I need, I need, I need. It never stops with farming.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maggie,
    I found your blog through a Bag of Olives via Boulderneigh. I am a fellow shepherd, knittier, spinner, and Central New Yorker. I have a flock of Shetlands, but may want one of your ram lambs some year for a little crossbreeding. I will definitely keep track of your blog now and please come by and visit mine.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your input!