Thursday, October 02, 2008

Way Too Busy

Had to attend a meeting 40 miles from school in the wrong direction. Everything I've heard before. So much to do for the Garden State Sheep Breeders Festival this weekend...figure out what to send with Matt, make signs, etc. Matt dragged himself in from work, drank coffee, then went across the road to do their plumbing - chores took me another two hours. The animals come first. I cut shaving blocks then came in to make creme while watching the debate. The Cuisinart drowned them out pretty much but still entertaining. It's way too late and I am dead dog tired. Have to be in early for pre-observation conference, then be watched in Science class. We're doing the hardball egg osmosis lab. Matt will be gone to NJ when I get home, so everything has to be ready tonight. I'm done in...

1 comment:

  1. Osbservations suck. I get observed every month and, while I appreciate the constructive criticism, sometimes I'd just like to teach a class without having an over-the-shoulder. It cuts down on the fun and the sponteneity in the class. All the students think they are being watched for their behavior, so they shut up and won't participate.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your input!