Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Sick As A ...

Came home from my workshop to find Matt laid out like a corpse on the sofa. I knew he didn't go to work but didn't realize he was that sick. I gave him my bug and he went down like a ton of bricks...fever, chills, running to the bathroom. Glad I bounced back so quick. He's moaning about being cold, fully dressed and under blankets. Just what I need right now - a sick husband! I had the nicest time with some great gals at the "Wazzat?" seminar. We went through all the major computer programs kids like or we could use with kids. They even showed us how to use this blogging program. The veggie lasagna was terrific - with spring greens and good rolls, too! No iceberg lettuce which is what you often find served here in CNY. Have to get to chores, then work on a variety of things for the Rhinebeck show. Warm and humid outside. Nice weather coming for the weekend.

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