Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Pavarotti and His Harem

He parades around with his girls in tow, and makes lovely chicks for them to hatch. P. is the head rooster, and is never challenged. I have several roosters living in the chicken room. I opened the door and tried to shoo them out to live in the barn at large, but they wouldn't budge. Maybe it's the fear of Pavarotti, who marches up and down in front of the screen to the chicken room. It's getting a little crowded in there, but the chickens don't seem to mind. They are safe from Holly and Tanner, the resident chicken chasers. I spank them whenever I catch them doing it, but the temptation is too great. Pavarotti is never chased - maybe it's those talons he carries around with him. They could lay open a dog's nose lickety split.

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