Friday, October 17, 2008

Madhouse Musings

Okay, it's 10:30, trying to get on the way by noon. Just found some clean clothes for myself, now have to get down to the B'field PO to see if my snap frames came from New Orleans. If not, I have 3 bags I can't sell this weekend. Sitting down to write 'cause it seems to get my head straightened out. That flu-like syndrome went to my head, sneezing and congested along with fever and achiness. Not a great way to start a big show weekend, but gotta deal. I was with a real sick kid a lot yesterday who said her father made her come to school. Not pleasant, sputum flying everywhere, but I think I got it from Matt. He is scrubbing off my rack. Lots of Mother Fiber waiting for me at the show, brought from Michigan by the carder. Wish I had a better way to display it, but has to wait for next year, like that Jewish prayer, Next Year in Jerusalem. It's always next year for me, too. Nurse Mia is on her way after working all night at the hospital. Last time she had to stop every once in a while to take a cat nap...bless her little darlin' heart. We had such fun yesterday with a pumpkin carving party in school. Remember this is an alternative setting so things can get "creative." I loved it. Matt has the trailer ready to go, will be cold tonight. I'm excited. There is something so thrilling about presenting one's creations out for public view and having them respond favorably. There is also something very relieving about making some money to get the wolves away from the door - and some lovely pups who are waiting so patiently for their money...hold on everybody, the money will be on the way come Monday!! I promise!! I managed to catch a little goat this morning and dragged her into the apt. for a foot rot shot. Little goat droppings all over the floor. Poor Mia, no time for me to clean for her. Last time she was here with Andrew I cleaned for two days and the place looked great. Not this time. The creative mind is seldom a tidy place!! And all these animals! I can't do it all but I try and get soooo tired. Matt made me drink some of his Nyquil last night and it made me sleep for all of 7 hours - so atypical of me. I hate drugs of any kind after seeing what they did to some family members and people I know...but a little cold meds I will take. Have to stop in New Berlin and get some Sudafed - have to sign for it now, give me a break! Fed Ex just dropped off my gingham tote bags which the customers love, so grateful for F.E. UPS is fine but they come late in the afternoon and I would have missed them today. Love my little totes which look so cute with the quilt fabric soap! Gretchen and Kelly really came through for me with the wrapping - thank you colleagues!! Gotta go and help pack the trailer then clean the bathroom. Off to Rhinebeck....featured breed this year, the Romney. Such a terrific sheep and underappreciated in my opinion. Human nature is such that anything so plentiful is taken for granted. Romneys are everywhere and produce good wool and plenty of it. Speaking of wool - a big batch of dyed alpaca got rained on day before yesterday. Still out there soaked. I'll take it to the show and dry it in the bed of the truck I think. I will have lots of stories to tell and pictures on Monday. Wish me luck...


  1. Good luck, Maggie! Get out there and sell, sell, sell!

  2. good luck Maggie- I dont know where you get your energy!!! carol h

  3. Thanks for all your support. If I don't work like crazy to keep them I can't have all these animals. I can't let them down!


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