Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Kim Makes A Hit

Kim took one of my Mother Fiber Nuno/Needle Felting Kits and spun the combination of fibers into yarn. She knitted a nifty shawl that I displayed with the fiber kits. People asked for the pattern ALL DAY LONG. Kim promised to figure out how she did it (not always easy when you are doing stream-of-consciousness knitting) so I can put it online. Leave it to Kim to do something so crafty and out-of-the-box! The shawl pin was made by a friend, who used a rubber sheep stamp to make the design on Sculpey clay - how fascinating! Kim has her own fiber business, Cornerstone Fibres (yes, they spell it funny up there in Canada) which she runs out of her house in Kingston. Sales of the fiber packs were brisk all day. Kim and Darryl leave Jared and Lindsay with Aunt Peg, a bunnywoman who used to break wild mustangs for a living. Like I've said before, those Canadian girls are amazing! I want them in my fox hole when the going gets rough!

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