Saturday, October 11, 2008

Happy Customer

This lady plucked the newest bag off the rack and off she went. Since it was about 10 hours old, I was tickled. I'm carrying around bags from last year and know I should hang on to them. I kept a bag for as long as two years before it sold, to a woman who was real happy to find it. With Maryland Sheep and Wool in the spring, I will be sewing all winter. The bag I wanted to keep for myself sold today. I've had that one for a year, I think. Bright blue with a pretty yellow lining. A woman whose daughter was visiting from Wyoming bought it for her. She is waiting for a grandchild to be born in Maryland and wants the bag to carry her grandbaby's things around in. I love the personal nature of the bag purchase. One woman bought a bag for her friend who was shopping with her, in anticipation of an upcoming birthday. I love it...

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