Saturday, October 04, 2008

Friday Night Frolic

After yet another post-observation meeting that lasted 'til four, I made my way home. The commute to and from work is so gloriously beautiful here in CNYUSA it's intoxicating. I decided I would have some fun tonight. Matt is away at the sheep festival in NJ. I got chores done around 8 or so and watched the new crescent moon and stars come out. I found my copy of "Signs" in the tractor shed and settled down with the doggies to watch it, without sewing or wrapping soap. What heaven. Hadn't seen it in a couple of years and it wowed me more than ever. I was in Friday night party mode so I watched another movie - a ridiculous vampire thing with Josh Hartnet taking place in Alaska - talk about gratuitous blood and gore - this time wrapping soap. I get myself so scared, but sometimes being scared is fun. But then it's time to walk the doggies in the dark and I have to woman-up. Slept until almost 7, with candles burning, New Age music playing and doggies all around. Now it's time to face the music, tidy up the apartment - gosh this place is a mess - (I need a wife!)and clip some bunnies. Ahhh, the bunners. My adorable little friends who give me that miracle fiber, angora. Have to get a dyepot going, make lavender soap for Rhinebeck. Weather is absolutely lovely.

1 comment:

  1. Maggie,
    I need a wife too! My apartment has clothes strung from one end to the other, the floor needs swept and mopped, washed clothes are waiting for me in the washer, and another pile needs to be washed. At least I did the dishes this morning.

    I have major Rhinebeck envy. MUST HAVE PICTURES.


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