Monday, October 13, 2008

Countdown - 3 days

I got three bags made yesterday - oh, so cute. Two are Waverly paisley fabrics from Joann's. Snap frames are on their way from New Orleans, I pray, or I can't sell them this weekend. Linda McGhee promised to get them out Priority Mail. Such is the life of the small business owner with no line of credit. I make a little money, buy what I need for the next sale. My teacher's salary supports my farm business. With the Farmer's Market money from Saturday, I am trying to get ahold of some patchouli. Three people stopped at the table asking for patchouli soap. Melody from Rainbow Meadow "might" have some today, but how can I get it? I have soap melting in the event I can rush order some patchouli EO. I sheared Monkey yesterday and got her mohair in the dyepot. I am making a run of Mother Fiber to take to John, of Frankenmuth carding mill, who will be at the show this weekend. It will save me $200 on shipping on a run this big. All this adds to my stress. When I get to a show in one piece I sometimes feel like kneeling down and kissing the ground. I'm hoping AJ will take the train up to Rhinebeck from his seminary to visit. Jan doesn't want to go this year, but Matt is getting the trailer ready for Princess Janipat so she will be comfortable and warm, so she better come. I would just as soon sleep on the floor of the cargo trailer. He is over at her place today, getting her electric up and running. I'm glad somebody will be all ready for winter.

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