Monday, September 15, 2008


I decided to take the doggies out last night right before I went to bed - hoping to avoid any accidents. Tanner and Pip have to be on leashes - Holly, Izzy, Bodie and Jackie tootle along with me, and follow me back to the house. They know when we do this late night walk that it's bedtime and they better come back in before getting locked out. The moon and sky was unbelievably beautiful last night. The wind was blowing black and blue wispy clouds zipped past the moon in a brightly lit celestial landscape. I couldn't help but gasp in awe. I was pretty tired, so I brought the doggies in and laid myself down. Jack sometimes lingers outside, he is old, fat and arthritic and takes his time. He barks, then I go let him in. It's always worked fine for the both of us. But...I fell asleep and didn't wake up until the White Boys told me something was wrong. It was four am and the power was out. With the full moon up, I thought the Boys were barking at coyotes, whatever. I realized I had not let Jack in and thought he was just bedding down in the barn on the hay...but Jack never does that. Having just four hours of sleep, I knew I should try to get some more shut-eye. I had a workshop today, and sitting in a brightly lit conference room around a table is no place to fall asleep sitting up. Matt told me to get up at six. Oh, Joy, only enough hot water to fill the tub a few inches. I pulled a fast one on Matt and jumped in first, got dressed and took the dogs out. I heard Jack barking down by the road and went to look for him. Walking Tanner on a leash is a lot like pulling a stubborn donkey along, so it took them a few minutes for them to do their business, then I took them back in the house. I went down to the road to find dog, no barking. What was going on? I went back in and got Holly, telling her to go find Jack. She did just that. I couldn't believe my eyes when I ran down the field to look where Holly was pointing. Jack had fallen in the six foot septic tank test ditch. There was a foot of water in it, along with a dead lamb. It was a horrible sight - those terror stricken cataract covered eyes looking up frantically. I guess he was ambling along in the dark and fell in. Same with the poor little lamb. I ran back in the house and told Matt, who had to change into farm clothes and get Jack out of the ditch. He went down in the wretched hole and got Jack out. I gave him an aspirin and a hunk of his favorite cheddar cheese, wrapped him in a blanket and went off to work...still with no power on. Power is back on, but Jack doesn't look so good. I gave him another aspirin, some molasses and water, and more cheddar cheese. That's my Jack - he can't lift his head but he can chow down on the cheese. I think he'll be alright. Have to do something about that hole...

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness you found him! Good girl Holly!!!
    Sending up prayers for his recovery -he's a special boy.
    HUGs to all

    Kim and crew including the freight train known as Java - I keep joking I'm going to put on roller-blades and let her pull me around the block ;)


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