Friday, September 05, 2008

One Week Down

Friday at last. School is going well and the newly renovated building is just beautiful. Lots of ooohhs and aaahhhs. Even the ceilings are fancy, with multi-level swirls and pretty lighting. The lovely courtyard gardens are gone with a layer of slick bricks covering the ground. Trees may be changing color, pumpkins are ready to be picked, but there is a heat wave going on in Central New York. High 80's every day this week. Prime hay weather. Mr. Spooner finally came back and baled the last of the first cut. He was on another field that was offered to him, making 1,000 bales. I arrived home from work to find two wagons to be unloaded. There is a bounty of second cut waiting to be mowed, but Mr. Spooner is exhausted and never wants to see another bale of hay, he tells me, and Hurricane Hanna is on her way up the coast. After a summer of rain we were blessed with this week of perfect weather...for people with the equipment and the time to take advantage of it. I'm grateful I have what I do in the barn, and optimistic that when I run out there are farmers who were able to get a motherlode of hay in their barns and will sell some to me when I run out.

1 comment:

  1. So how much hay did you get it?? Can we borrow the tractor and bale the rest for you? LOL
    Glad to hear you got some more in!
    HUGs to all


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