Thursday, September 25, 2008

Broke Down Teacher

Okay, so I am here at my desk safe and sound (well, not really sound) and that's the important thing. I was rushing to work, as always, trying not to be late. They gave me the very visible early morning cafeteria duty to make sure I am here on time, and not slinking around back doors, sneaking in late. I put on the gas and suddenly the truck lost power. I coasted to the side of the road in front of a farm. Cell phone didn't work and the farmer didn't answer the door. Great big Harley by the back door, and truck in the driveway, but no answer. What to do, what to do. Still no cell phone. I had to get to work. I did something I never thought I would EVER do - I stuck out my thumb!!! Now I've hit bottom!! Within seconds a lady pulled over. WELL, this lady, who comes from Long Island and lived in Parsippany, New Jersey, 10 miles from where I lived for 20 years, was SOOOO nice to me and took me to the front door of my school. She asked if I was alright, turned the heat on for me, and made me feel better. The new science teacher lives in Brookfield so I have a ride home. Matt is still in Albany and is not answering his phone...probably teaching already. With two shows coming up within three weeks I need my truck to pull the trailer. Pray it's nothing serious, but with 90,000 miles on it I bet it's something bad. Not now, please not now!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Sounds like it might be a gas filter or pump. Either is relatively easy and quick to fix. Good luck with it, I drove an F150 also. Joan


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