Wednesday, August 06, 2008

An Ocean of Wool

My wooly voyage continues. I found some fabulous fleeces in the tractor shed I brought with me from the old place. Just scrumptious...and not too much VM (shepherd lingo for vegetable matter - hay, weeks, briars and brambles, etc. that drive you nuts and must be removed from the wool before you can do anything with it). I'm in a rhythm of skirting and picking outside during the day, washing and dyeing at night, putting it out to dry in the morning. I must keep it up before fall comes, the sun is gone and work/sheep shows start...or else I won't have any wool roving (carded and wound up in balls by the carding mill)to sell. In the meantime, the kitties are having a wonderful time.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:13 PM


    sunshine, soft,fluffy surface, full tummy -- what would you be doing? Yawn ..............


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