Sunday, August 17, 2008

Night Before Lisa's Shower

Mia and I were busy as beavers the night before the shower. I needed to finish the soaps so they could be handed over to the mother-of-the-bride. Susan's sisters were here from Vermont and last I heard they were already encasing the hearts in gauze and setting them out to cure. Mia put together the party bags, which contained the soy wax candles and chocolate kisses. They were a BIG hit. We fell into bed sometime in the wee hours. Mia was up early to get over to Rachel's and prepare the Mexican feast. I am in awe of her organizational skills. There was a pile of cookbooks in her bedroom with many post-it notes sticking out of them. She even bought thank-you notes for the bride, pre-addressed and stamped. A spread sheet was ready to fill in the gift next to the giver to help the bride with her writing.

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