Tuesday, August 26, 2008


With this glorious weather and only a few days of freedom left, I am jumping around like a grasshopper from one project to another. I got a lot done yesterday, and have to press to do more. It is show season and the shows wait for no shepherd. I have dye pots simmering, soap pots stirring, and cut up soap all over the place. This is my big chance to make the Farm pay for itself, and I have to work like my life depends on it (it does). The falls shows are the only chance I have to make my wool pay for itself. Getting Maryland in the Spring was a giant coup...an influx of capital after a long hard winter. When I work I don't worry. I sat up until 1:30 last night clipping sunburned tips off a fleece that I'll be washing today. Oh, it was heaven. What is it about those fibers running through my fingers that is so mesmerizing and delicious? I was lost in the locks. Have to get it out to the mill, or I won't get it back. It will be a miracle if they can do it for me. I wasted several days calling a mill two hours from me that never called back. Thanks, gang. I will pay a visit to their booth at Fingerlakes to check their situation out. My soap is coming out fantastically, thank you Higher Powers. I have enough bag fabric to make a good amount of bags, but need snap-frames, essential oils, beeswax, etc. If I do well at Fingerlakes I can get what I need for the other shows. Have debts to pay plus school tax, property tax, it goes on and on. I talked to Eric yesterday when I called for Luke's birthday. The cute house they are buying in San Jose is owned by a family who are selling it for less than the mortgage they took to buy it. Hard times all over, even in classy Northern California. Eric is moving there this weekend to go to work for the Santa Clara Boy Scout council. He is second in command, a nice promotion for him. I can't wait to visit that mystical magical No. Ca. There is an energy there I haven't felt anywhere else. LOTS of fiber artists there. I want to visit Morgaine Wilder of Carolina Homespun in San Francisco. She just had a nice write-up in Wild Fibers. Better get back to my own fibers.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Let's try to make this year as fun as possible! You, Me and Global Studies against the world! I hope the soap labels I made you worked out (i have not been getting along with MS word...evil).

    See you Tuesday!


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