Sunday, August 17, 2008

Mia Should Be Proud

My daughter is amazing...Lisa's Bridal Shower was perfect in every way. The Mexican food was beautiful to look at and delicious to eat. The bridesmaids along with moms, aunties and dear friends showered Lisa with gifts and there were smiles and laughter abounding. The weather couldn't have been more perfect. Mia served margueritas in colored stem glasses that matched the flowers. The party bags with soy candles and chocolate kisses were a big hit. It was great to talk to people I haven't seen in ten years - field hockey teammates and their moms and girls Mia went to nursery school with. I've decided Mia is all grown up now. Once a girl can put on an affair worthy of any magazine spread I've ever seen, well, she's arrived. I could check out tomorrow and Mia would be just fine. I'm overwhelmed with pride. The guests left and we cleaned up Rachel's house. I had a lovely conversation with her dad, the famous Bible reader Max McLean, about AJ's religious activities and upcoming seminary training. He gave me C.S.Lewis' Mere Christianity, which he says will help me make up my mind about my own confused religious convictions. I am really non-committed denomination-wise and prefer to worship in the Church of the Field. I turned on the TV this morning and listened to a Buddhist priest talk about spirits living in the trees and grasses, and how we should apologize to them when we uproot them. I like that! I collected the left-over food from the party and set off to Mia's apartment, where Roxie was waiting for me. I took her for a walk up and down Western Ave. Good thing I am a "big, strong girl" because this lab can pull. I was soooo tired from the last couple of days but was determined to see Michael Phelps last race. I kept falling asleep on the sofa, drank coffee, watched the women's marathon go on FOREVER but fell asleep and missed the end of the marathon and Phelp's race. I took Roxie out for another walk around midnight and came back to find some good TV. Pride and Prejudice was on, to my delight, but with way too much commercial interruption. I tried to read but there is no decent reading light in the apt, just overheads (how does Mia study?) and gave up. Roxie and I went to bed about 3 AM, but she deserted me when Monika came home from her partying. Mia is in Hoboken, or NYC now, sleeping off her night of partying with the bridal group. I think I will get my act together here and head out, back to the land of fields and farms. Walking Roxie on the street in the full moon reminded me of how lovely the country is. Glass on the side walk, people lurking in the dark around their cars smoking cigarettes, cars zooming by making me hold on to the leash with a death grip. City life is tough for doggies - and their owners. I have to carry a ton of stuff down the stairs and across the road and a block down to load up. Good thing I brought my Jeep instead of the F150. I inched the Jeep into a spot so tight I couldn't believe I got it in parallel parking skills are still good. Haven't heard from Matt, I hope everyone is still alive. It seems there is always some kind of animal related disaster whenever I go away. I am going home a different way - up 287 to the NY Thruway to route 17. Hope I can find it....there is no way I am going on 81 through that screwed up state, Pa. Trouble is my Jeep can't go over 55 without shaking like crazy - need new shocks and tires. You would think people would be driving slower with gas $$ the way they such luck. They practically run each other off the road to pass me.


  1. Anonymous2:12 PM

    i think you have it wrong.. you are amazing! thank you more than words for your help! I tried calling you 100 times and rushed home to see you.. now my apartment is empty with no mommie.. but filled with new curtains!!
    i love you

  2. Anonymous2:12 PM

    i think you have it wrong.. you are amazing! thank you more than words for your help! I tried calling you 100 times and rushed home to see you.. now my apartment is empty with no mommie.. but filled with new curtains!!
    i love you

  3. Drive safe! hope all is well at the farm :)
    HUGS to all
    Kim and Crew
    back from the lake - I LOVE kayaking and so does Java -she hopped in with me and rode around the whole time good as gold!


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