Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Luke Wants a Cow

Luke kept telling me we should get a cow. I would love to have a cow, but they cost a LOT of money to buy. Then they have to give birth in order to make milk. With my luck I would have my arms inside a laboring mother up to my armpits, instead of up to my elbows the way I sometimes am with my sheep. And what if she had a boy instead of a girl? How would I explain to Luke that our cow's baby would very likely become hamburger someday? I would love to have all that milk to feed my dogs and cats, and make cheese with. I think I will have to solve my hay debacle before I can have any more hay-burning critters.


  1. Anonymous1:35 AM

    Hi Maggie,
    While I love sweet, doe eyed Jerseys you already have a billy goat so why not get a couple of dairy goats?
    All the best,
    Penny in IN

  2. Anonymous1:35 AM

    Hi Maggie,
    While I love sweet, doe eyed Jerseys you already have a billy goat so why not get a couple of dairy goats?
    All the best,
    Penny in IN


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